Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay Corrections System - 1615 Words

When it comes to corrections, it is clear what their mission is and that is to incarcerate criminals, however it also ensures that those incarcerated receive treatment to prepare them for reintegration and reentry into society. Ever since the creation of prisons, some wonder how we managed to survive without them in the past. Unfortunately, we do have neither the resources nor the capital to incarcerate all who chose to engage in criminal behavior. Utilizing other programs like probation are needed in order to accommodate those who wish to offend. According to McShane and Emeka (2011) there is currently over 5 million probationers and parolees in the United States and these programs represents almost 70% of all who are under criminal†¦show more content†¦In an article by Grohs (2013) stated that: †¦on May 23, 2013 the Supreme Court ruled that the conditions in the California prison system were so bad that they violated the Eighth Amendment and the CDCR needed to reduce the prison population by 30,000 inmates. The public is concerned because; some of those offenders will end up living among us in our neighborhoods. It appears like the Supreme Court officials have forgotten that the offenders that they are releasing are criminals. Why are these officials willing to place a large amount of these offenders that were convicted by the courts back into society and jeopardize our public safety? I am concerned that due to the high case load our probation and parole officers face that many of these offenders will go unsupervised. Fortunately, our corrections system still continues to hire new officer to help with probation and parole which are the two major programs that track and ensure most of these offenders are being supervised and they also help with prison overcrowding. Probation has been part of our society for many years. Probation was first used as a rehabilitative and supervisory tool to keep those low-level offenders out of jail. Today it is used as a strict supervisory tool that monitors offenders at home. Our corrections system is constantly changing andShow MoreRelatedChanges Of The Corrections System911 Words   |  4 Pagesthe failures throughout history in corrections, there are several changes that have been made since the initial developments of reform. Humans need to be punished in order to understand wrongdoing, therefore the corrections system will need to change not only to modern society, but also to the populations to avoid overcrowding. Americans should transition to more probations and community corrections programs, but eligibility for the new lenient methods of correction should only be available to non violentRead MoreThe Juvenile System And Juvenile Corrections System1740 Words   |  7 PagesThe juvenile corrections system dates back to the Greek and Roman times where children were treated as adults when they committed offenses. In fact, children in trouble had no rights would receive very harsh sentences. Moving forward, Europe also treated children as adult when it came to criminal offenses. It wasn’t until the 19th century that reforms began to be considered and used on the behalf of children. In the US, just before this time in Boston, individuals began advocate for children whoRead MoreCorrections and the Criminal Justice System1166 Words   |  5 PagesCorrections describes the punishment of offenders for the crimes they have committed. Corrections does not always mean punishment; in the United States they expect their inmates to read the bible to reflect on their wrongdoings. In the criminal justice system there are three major components: police, courts, and corrections. The police investigate crimes and arrest suspects handing over the evidence and investigative information to the court system. Prosecutors determine whether a crime has beenRead MoreCorrections in teh Criminal Justice System1076 Words   |  4 PagesWhen most people hear the term, â€Å"corrections† they probably think o f prisons, striped uniforms, cellblocks, armed guards, and surly prisoners. Part of American corrections is prisons, but corrections is much more than that. Corrections includes prisons, jails, halfway houses, group homes, probation, parole, intensive supervision, electric monitoring, restitution programs, victim-offender mediation, and even the death penalty. Corrections can be defined as all that society does to and with offendersRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System and its Corrections Essay882 Words   |  4 PagesThe criminal justice system is composed of four categories: law enforcement, legal counsel, courts, and corrections. I am going to focus on one of these subjects and the problems or issues that are within the corrections part of criminal justice usually refers to the events that occur after being sentenced in a court of law. During the past few decades many problems have arisen in this area, solutions have been discussed and put into use over the years as well. Howe ver, there are still problems thatRead MoreEssay on Technology and The Correction Systems1562 Words   |  7 PagesTechnology has become the bedrock for different parts of the correction system. The main force of expenditures and study in the corrections field is for the use of monitoring offenders. Different technologies that allow for better control pf the offenders can save lives and help prevent new crimes from emerging. The point of these technologies is to reduce the chance of recidivism by deterring criminals from behaviors that they may commit if otherwise left to their own devices. â€Å"The role of staffRead MoreComparative Corrections Systems1362 Words   |  6 PagesUnit 5 Assignment Sumitra Kendall CJ522: Comparative Correctional Systems  Ã‚   Dr. Lowery April 21, 2015 When you are imprisoned in an Africa prison the sectors can be over-crowded and dirty. The budget in this country is pretty non-existing resulting inadequate food for everyone, personal hygiene for example, little or no clothing. These prisons did not have access to soap, shampoo or any comforts they were used to prior to going to school. Throughout the continent you will find it’s notRead MoreThe United States Corrections System990 Words   |  4 PagesStates corrections system is organized distinctive structures that retain certain similarities with the Chinese prisons system. However there remain significant points of departure such as the prevalence of privately run correctional facilities in the United States. This differs greatly from the Chinese system of corrections which relies solely on government-operated public prisons whereby the state does not seek profit as is the case with private prisons (Shen, 2015). The American justice system inRead MoreThe Corruption Of The Maryland Corrections System853 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is the cause of such an infestation as the corruption in the Maryland corrections system? The answer lies in the lives of those involved. Generally speaking, it will always come down to the morals, beliefs, and needs of the individual who is faced with the opportunity to become corrupt. Individuals who are employed by the corrections system are, in reality, mercenaries employed by the system to guard and control the inmate populations. Niccolà ² Machiavelli (1950) wrote that mercenaries cannotRead MoreCorrections And The Criminal Justice System2445 Words   |  10 PagesCorrections Corrections is a component of the criminal justice system and refers to the array of programs, services, facilities and organizations responsible for managing offenders or those who have been accused of committing a crime. Incarceration and probation are two of the basic ways that punishment is applied. If someone is a repeat offender or commits a more serious crime, they are more likely to be incarcerated, which means they are imprisoned. If someone is a first time offender or commits

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Corals Indicators Of The Changing Sea - 1608 Words

Corals: Indicators of the Changing Sea Throughout the 4.5 billion years of its existence, Earth’s climate has oscillated between episodes of cold and warmth during different periods in its history. Earth has experienced periods of ice ages where continental-sized glaciers covered the planet. During Earth’s warmest periods, the polar regions of the world today were completely ice free. Though there were no humans on Earth billions of years ago to describe these dramatic climate variations, Earth was still able to keep records of the past. Climate archives have proven to be significant in providing clues of past climates and also gives us information to help predict future climatic events. Climate archives contain many indicators of past†¦show more content†¦Corals as climate archives Corals harbour millions of sea creatures that can only thrive in warm shallow waters in tropical or subtropical oceans. Andrea Grottoli (2001) describes corals as good climate archi ves because they are widely distributed, their banding patterns are strong dating tools, and their records can span several centuries (from 5 to 25 Myr ago). Corals secrete layers of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which form their skeletons. The organisms that produce CaCO3 are sensitive to temperature changes in the ocean; thus, when the water temperature changes, the CaCO3 densities in the skeletons also change (Grottoli, 2001). The layers from corals have annual banding patterns which help date the changes that scientists discover. Light-coloured layers appear during the summer when growth is rapid and dark layers form in the winter when growth is slowed down (Figure 1). By studying these banding patterns, scientists can determine the season and temperature of the water these corals grew in and date them accordingly. Scientists drill into corals and take samples which provide accurate information about sea level, temperature and salinity at different times in history. Therefore, by i nterpreting this data obtained from corals, scientists are provided with a way to reconstruct past climate changes. Sea surface temperature Seasonal records of sea surface temperature in tropical regions

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Invest Money Free Essays

The money is not the most important thing in life, but sometimes is really necessary, how to spend it sometimes could be a difficult work, some people are great spenders, others spend the money carefully, but in life, we always have the necessity to spend it, in a lot of difference ways, in my case, i am not a big spender, I am a thrifty person, i take a lot of care in how I spend my money, because in fact, i do not work yet, it is my parents money so i have to think a lot of how i use it. I always try to save money for the future, we all never know when we would need it, in this moment of my life I spend the majority of my money in clothes, shoes, make up, food and things like that but all the time i am looking for supplies and discounts because i think i a very smart way to save money. I do not like to buy a lot of things, i prefer to use my money in traveling, going out with my friends and family, knowing new places or doing interesting things, because the material things are gonna stand with you just for a while, but memories are forever. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Invest Money or any similar topic only for you Order Now If I win the lottery, I will do a lot of things. First of all I will put all the money in a bank account, and hire someone who helps me to manage my money, the i will discuss with my parents how to spend all that money because i know the have a lot of experience and will give me the best advice. I will by a beautiful house at the beach, with a big pool, in which i can invite all my family and friends and have fun, and another important thing, i will travel all the world!!! , know the most beautiful places in the world, France, England, Australia, etc, learn about their cultures and history, and make one of my dreams came true, go to the snow. I think that a smart way to spend money is to invest, so i will invest in properties, etc. Another thing I would do with all that money would be have my own business, buy a big house for my parents at the mountains, a study in a great University. In fact if i have more money left, i will use it all in charities, and to help people in all over the world, like orphaned children, help hospitals, poor people, etc, and of course help my best friends. I think the money is always going to be necessary but we decide how to make it important in our lives. How to cite How to Invest Money, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hamlets procrastination led to his depression Essay Example For Students

Hamlets procrastination led to his depression Essay Hamlets procrastination led to his depression Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark, who is seeking revenge for his fathers death. The ghost of the King, Hamlets father, tells Hamlet to . . . revenge his foul and most unnatural murder . Since his father asked him, he finds it his duty to do as he says. In this essay, I am going to prove that Hamlet puts off what he has to do until a future time, which leads him to his depression. He builds things up inside of him until the point that he is not able to handle anything, or lacks courage, skill, and will to do something. In his first soliloquy, Oh that this too too solid flesh would melt . . . , Hamlet talks about the first thing that has made him melancholy, or sad. He says that his mother barely mourned her husbands death and a month later she remarried. To try and make himself feel better, Hamlet makes a joke about it when he tells Horatio, The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables. Everyone else knows how much the remarriage of his mother has bothered him. The soliloquy in act one scene two shows how upset he is at his mother and himself. He believes he is better off dead because no one seems to understand what he is feeling. He shows that he is upset at his mother because she got married in such a hurry. It makes him think that maybe his uncle and his mother had an affair before King Hamlet died. He says that his father used to treat her like she was everything and she degraded herself by marrying someone whom treats her as if she was nothing. For example, King Claudius, Hamlets stepfather always asks Gertrude, Hamlets mother to do things for him. Claudius tells her to talk to Hamlet so he can listen in on their conversation, without even asking Gertrude if she is willing to do that. When the play begins, the King is already dead so we do not know how he treated Gertrude. What we do know is that when the ghost of the king came back to talk to Hamlet and tell him about the situation, he tells Hamlet that he should leave Gertrude alone and to try as best as he can no to get her involved. Not only in this soliloquy, but also in other ones in this play, Hamlet talks about dying. In his soliloquy in the third act, Hamlet talks about dying so he will not have to face the human suffering that everyone had to go through in life. Hamlet, at this point, believes that everything he is living for is gone. The one person that he looked up to is now dead and he does not have a male figure he can look up to and set an example for himself of how he wants to be. His mother is blind and does not see the way Claudius has been treating and she is also blind because she does not realize that Claudius is the one that killed her husband. The last reason that he is upset, and the one thing that does occur during the play was when Ophelia started to neglect Hamlet. Hamlet loves Ophelia and after everything started going downhill for him, he began losing the one person he cared so much about. Hamlet gave hints during the play that he wanted to die and that he is depressed, even to people that he did not trust, like Polonius. Polonius asks him to come out of the air and Hamlets response was to go into his grave. When Rosencrantz and Guilderstern first visit Denmark, Hamlet refers to it as a prison, because he does not like being there anymore. He is having problems with everyone around him and he would rather be alone but at the same time have someone he can talk to and trust. .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 , .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .postImageUrl , .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 , .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:hover , .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:visited , .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:active { border:0!important; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:active , .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309 .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b02ac3579835423a4b165629bb1b309:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 2pac Essay Two other people that Hamlet did not trust were Rosencrantz and Guilderstern. He tells them that he has lost all his mirth . . . and indeed it goes .