Thursday, February 27, 2020

Discuss a portion of the clip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discuss a portion of the clip - Essay Example Firstly, the film producer relies on music to place the film in its immediate context. Application of Nazi anthem illustrates the political era depicted by the films plot. The filmmaker intends to illustrate life in the midst of wars and political revolutions. Thus, the clip applies music to illustrate the thin boundary that exists within emotions. The clip illustrates romance that flourished in the midst of war and anguish. Despite the immediate political situation, the characters purposed to maintain their romantic relationships. La Marseillaise is the French national anthem and it stands out as a symbol of love and harmony throughout the film. Finally, the film uses sound tracks or music to enhance interest among its audience. The use of popular music such as the French national anthem makes the audience associate themselves with the film, hence increasing their interest. Both pieces of music illustrate different points of view among the film’s

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Film, Television and Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Film, Television and Society - Research Paper Example Such as in 1973, new shows that were introduced increased the number to 28 but most of the new shows were cancelled. Similar evidences were reported in 1975 to 1977 but majority of the efforts failed. This constant failure reflected boredom of viewer for the various programs that were significantly similar and other emergent trends in the society (Dunnett, 126-127). The era of 1970 in US television is also regarded "The Decade of Norman Lear." This show characterized the Lear and Bud in situation comedy of an American society with an opportunity to see the various dimensions that were earlier considered as restricted domain by other channels. The shows casted different aspects of women rights identifying pressing women for identifying her true strength. For example, One Day At A Time presented the success of single mom in gaining success in the their lives. The show presented single mom as Heroes. All In The Family was another show despite being the controversial gained much populari ty. The show depicted the ways with which American family deals with issues. Various taboos in the American families were pushed aside in this program that created complexities. The news on television was given more acceptance than newspaper. The era viewed the increased influence on the television by the government. For example, the government banned the cigarettes advertisement on television and caused broadcasters loosing revenue of around US $ 200. In addition to this, the influence of US government was also witnessed in the government attempting to gain the support for the defence policies. The television in the era of 1970s also gained some greater exposures to country political conditions and other related matters. For... This paper approves that another factor that was raised from the freedom was loss of grounds that binds the society. The religious, social and even governmental grounds of society were increasingly losing its strength. The society was more inclined to free love, trends of rock and roll, changing genders etc has immense impact. In addition to this, the rising freedom orientation and frustration led to usage of drugs in society. People increasingly relied on drugs such as cocaine to continuously keep the energy level high and nitrate to arouse sexual abilities. The disco parties for all night had to offer these artificial energizers to keep people going on. The other negative impact from these factors resulted in promiscuity within constantly rising heterosexuals and homosexuals set in society. This report makes a conclusion that the above document attempted to comprehend the conditions of society transition from one state to other as result of the infusions from media of communication. TV and film selected as the medium for transmitting these changes. With central focus on the programs aired on TV and content that formed the subjects of film the document entails the varying factors reflected. Though there has been constant debate on the fact of the TV and film picks up subjects from surrounding and so happened in the 1970s era but at the same time the fact remains that such content further had devastating impact on the society. The worsened impact as concluded is the societal condition where government loses all morals and reflections are observed in the society’s conduct.